Journal of Political Administrative and Local Studies

Journal of Political Administrative and Local Studies

The Hungarian administrative system: from centralization to regionalization and back

Yazarlar: Tamás SZİGETVÁRİ

Cilt 3 , Sayı 1 , 2020 , Sayfalar 23 - 40

Konular:Siyasi Bilimler

Anahtar Kelimeler:Hungary,Administrative system

Özet: The paper deals with the development of the administrative system in Hungary with a special focus on centralisation and decentralisation processes. It considers the historical patterns and the geographical characteristics of Hungary, and their impact on the above processes. It also examines the legacy of the socialist period, and the possibility of regionalisation in a highly centralised era. The paper discusses the impact of EU membership and the new structure of regionalism in Hungary, and finally, the most recent changes towards a stronger centralisation in administration, and its motives.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{2020, title={The Hungarian administrative system: from centralization to regionalization and back}, volume={3}, number={23–40}, publisher={Journal of Political Administrative and Local Studies}, author={Tamás SZİGETVÁRİ}, year={2020} }
Tamás SZİGETVÁRİ. (2020). The Hungarian administrative system: from centralization to regionalization and back (Vol. 3). Vol. 3. Journal of Political Administrative and Local Studies.
Tamás SZİGETVÁRİ. The Hungarian Administrative System: From Centralization to Regionalization and Back. no. 23–40, Journal of Political Administrative and Local Studies, 2020.