International Journal of Social Science and Public Policy
Editör:Dr. Jamie Edmonds
Yayıncı:Center for Promoting Education and Research (CPER)
Başlangıç Tarihi:2019
Yayın Periyodu:Aylık
Dergi Türü:Uluslararası
Yayın Dili:İngilizce
ÜAK Temel Alanı:Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler- Eğitim Bilimleri- Hukuk- İlahiyat
Cambodia’s New Digital Signature, E-Commerce and Consumer Protection Laws: Key Components of a Bold Strategy for Dramatic Future Economic Growth 2021 - Stephen Errol Blythe, J.D. |
Analysis of Natural Resources Management in Indonesia: Environmental Law Perspective 2021 - Gunawan Djayaputra |
A Roof Over Their Heads: Housing Public Policies for Returning Inmates 2020 - Gautam Nayer, Luis Perez-Feliciano, Michael Adams |
AI-assisted inventions in the field of drug discovery: readjusting the inventive step analysis 2020 - Dr Olga Gurgula |
The Relationship Between Social Expectations and Management's Public Policies in Times of Crisis 2020 - Vicdan Altnok |
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