Uluslararası Suçlar ve Tarih
Anahtar Kelimeler:Crimean khans,Catholic missionaries,Slaves,Europeantravelers,Polish-Lithuanian Tatars
Özet: The present paper discusses the issue of foreigners appearingin front of the Crimean Khans’ courts in the seventeenth and eighteenthcenturies. In-depth analysis of three case studies shed light not only onthe attitude of the Crimean judicial administration and local inhabitantstowards strangers, but also reveal important information on the judicialsystem itself. Data on the three cases are preserved in three differenttypes of sources, i.e. in the Crimean court registers, in thecorrespondence of the Catholic missionaries ministering in the Crimeaand in a travel account written by a European merchant. Thus, thepresent study not only presents the fascinating stories of a PolishLithuanian Tatar enslaved in the Crimea at the beginning of the 17thcentury, of a Dominican missionary accused of immoral conduct in the1630s and of a German merchant robbed in Kara Su in the 1760s, butalso demonstrates how various types of sources can be used byresearchers on the Early Modern Crimea