Uluslararası Suçlar ve Tarih
Yazarlar: J. Otto POHL
Anahtar Kelimeler:Crimean Tatars,Deportation,NKVD (People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs),Settler Colonialism,Special Settlement
Özet: The Soviet ethnic cleansing of the Crimean Tatars, thesubsequent settlement of their lands with Russians and Ukrainians, andthe de-Tatarization of the peninsula’s place names has a number ofsimilarities with various cases of settler colonialism in the Americas,Africa, Australia, and Palestine. The treatment of the exiled CrimeanTatars in Uzbekistan, the Urals, and other regions also had a number ofsimilarities with how settler colonies treated their indigenouspopulations. These similarities, however, have not been thoroughlyexplored by historians and other scholars. Instead the USSR has beenconsidered as being completely outside of the framework of colonial andethno-racial relations that developed between Europeans andindigenous peoples in other parts of the world. This article seeks to makea first attempt at suggesting ways in which Soviet policies towardsvarious indigenous peoples in the USSR can be compared to the betterstudied cases of settler colonialism in places like South Africa andPalestine. In particular it uses the Soviet deportation of the CrimeanTatars and their prolonged exile in Uzbekistan under various legalrestrictions as a case study comparable in a number of important waysto settler colonialism. It is hoped that this article will inspire furtherinquiries and research in a comparative manner regarding this topic