Uluslararası Suçlar ve Tarih
Yazarlar: Anw Dale STRAW
Anahtar Kelimeler:Crimean Tatar deportation,Censorship,Ethnic cleansing,Partisan warfare,Red Army,Soviet propaganda,Soviet Union
Özet: On May 18th, 1944, the Soviet Union deported all CrimeanTatars from the Crimean Peninsula on the Black Sea to Central Asia inwhat was one of the quickest and most total ethnic cleansings of thetwentieth century. Joseph Stalin justified this crime by alleging the“mass collaboration” of Crimean Tatars with the Axis during WorldWar II. While Crimean Tatar activists have correctly argued for decadesthat far more Crimean Tatars fought for the Soviet Union thancollaborated, the myth of Crimean Tatar mass treason remains alive inthe former Soviet Union. Through an extensive research at Sovietarchives, this paper first presents a wartime counter-narrative to Stalin’scharges by exploring Crimean Tatar service in the regular Soviet armedforces and in partisan units, and the reality of the Nazi occupation ofCrimea. Next, this paper interrogates how deceit and censorship helpedin writing the “mass collaboration” charge into Soviet popular history,giving it a staying power more impressive than many of Stalin’s otherfalse charges against political and ethnic ‘enemies.’