Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

A survey on helminth infections of equines in the Central Black Sea region, Turkey

Yazarlar: Şinasi UMUR, Mustafa AÇICI

Cilt 33 , Sayı 5 , 2009 , Sayfalar 373 - 378


Anahtar Kelimeler:Key words: Equine,Helminth,Black Sea,Turkey

Özet: This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of helminth species in horses, donkeys, and mules in the Central Black Sea region, between March 2004 and July 2005. For this purpose, 140 faecal samples were taken from horses (n = 83), donkeys (n = 31), and mules (n = 26) in Samsun, Sinop, Ordu, Amasya, and Tokat provinces. Infection rates were 91.57% (76 of 83) in horses, 96.77% (30 of 31) in donkeys, and 96.15% (25 of 26) in mules. The parasite species and their prevalence in examined animals were as follows: in horses Strongylidae spp. 77.10%, Parascaris equorum 14.45%, Fasciola spp. 4.82%, Oxyuris equi 1.20%, Anoplocephala spp. 1.20%, A. perfoliata 1.20%, A. magna 1.20%, and Dicrocoelium dentriticum 1.20%; in donkeys Strongylidae spp. 96.77%, P. equorum 22.58%, Strongyloides westeri 22.58%, Fasciola spp. 16.13%, Dictyocaulus arnfieldi 9.67%, O. equi 6.45%, Anoplocephala spp. 6.45%, D. dentriticum 3.22%, and Draschia/Habronema spp. 3.22%; and in mules Strongylidae spp. 96.15%, P. equorum 15.38%, Fasciola spp. 11.53%, Probstmayria vivipara (adult) 3.84%, and A. perfoliata 3.84%. Faecal cultures from horses, donkeys, and mules showed infection rates of Cyathostomum spp. (33.88%, 63.79%, 69.07%), Strongylus edentatus (31.05%, 8.62%, 5.15%), S. equinus (6.11%, 6.03%, 1.03%), S. vulgaris (3.52%, 3.01%, 8.76%), Gyalocephalus spp. (12.0%, 0.86%, 5.15%), Poteriostomum spp. (5.88%, 1.72%, 6.70%), and Triodontophorus spp. (1.41%, 3.01%, 4.12%), respectively. Trichostrongylus axei was not found in mules, and S. westeri was found (8.18%) only in donkeys.

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@article{2009, title={A survey on helminth infections of equines in the Central Black Sea region, Turkey}, volume={33}, number={5}, publisher={Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences}, author={Şinasi UMUR,Mustafa AÇICI}, year={2009}, pages={373–378} }
Şinasi UMUR,Mustafa AÇICI. (2009). A survey on helminth infections of equines in the Central Black Sea region, Turkey (Vol. 33, pp. 373–378). Vol. 33, pp. 373–378. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences.
Şinasi UMUR,Mustafa AÇICI. A Survey on Helminth Infections of Equines in the Central Black Sea Region, Turkey. no. 5, Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 2009, pp. 373–78.