Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

Impact of different housing systems and age of layers on egg quality characteristics

Yazarlar: Bilgehan YILMAZ DİKMEN, Aydın İPEK, Ümran ŞAHAN, Arda SÖZCÜ, Süleyman Can BAYCAN

Cilt 41 , Sayı 1 , 2017 , Sayfalar 77 - 84


Anahtar Kelimeler:Conventional cage,Enriched cage,Free range,Age,Egg quality traits

Özet:   The aim of this study was to investigate effects of conventional-cage (CC), enriched-cage (EC), and free-range (FR) systems and hen age on internal and external egg quality parameters of layers (Lohmann Brown). A total of 720 eggs were analyzed for egg weight (EW), shell weight (SW), yolk weight (YW), albumen weight (AW), shell thickness (ST), shell breaking strength (SBS), shape (SI), albumen (AI), yolk index (YI) of eggs, shell ratio of eggs (SR), albumen ratio of eggs (AR), yolk ratio of eggs (YR), yolk color (YC), and Haugh unit (HU). The highest EW, YW, AW, SW, AI, YI, HU (all P < 0.001), and SI values were found in FR system eggs compared with CC and EC system eggs (P = 0.045). The SBS, ST, YC, SR, YR, and AR were found similar in all housing systems. There was an interaction between the housing system and hen age for EW, SW, YW, AW, SBS, ST, AI, YC, HU, AR (all P < 0.001), SI (P = 0.003), SR (P = 0.001), and YR (P = 0.001) of eggs. It can be concluded that eggs in the FR system were better in overall quality than eggs from CC and EC systems.

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@article{2017, title={Impact of different housing systems and age of layers on egg quality characteristics}, volume={41}, number={1}, publisher={Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences}, author={Bilgehan YILMAZ DİKMEN,Aydın İPEK,Ümran ŞAHAN,Arda SÖZCÜ,Süleyman Can BAYCAN}, year={2017}, pages={77–84} }
Bilgehan YILMAZ DİKMEN,Aydın İPEK,Ümran ŞAHAN,Arda SÖZCÜ,Süleyman Can BAYCAN. (2017). Impact of different housing systems and age of layers on egg quality characteristics (Vol. 41, pp. 77–84). Vol. 41, pp. 77–84. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences.
Bilgehan YILMAZ DİKMEN,Aydın İPEK,Ümran ŞAHAN,Arda SÖZCÜ,Süleyman Can BAYCAN. Impact of Different Housing Systems and Age of Layers on Egg Quality Characteristics. no. 1, Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 2017, pp. 77–84.