Türkiye’de Ekonomik Kümelenme ve Kentler-Arası Çok Merkezli Kentsel Gelişme Açısından Düşündürdükleri

Yazarlar: Seda EFE, Ahmet ÖZASLAN, Hüseyin GÜL

Cilt 11 , Sayı - , 2020 , Sayfalar 1073 - 1100



Anahtar Kelimeler:Inter-urban polycentric urban development,Agglomeration economies,City-region

Özet: Cities have a high level of modern and complex interdependence among a wide range of elements and variables, and nonlinear processes. Especially economy and space are among the important parameters in terms of urban growth dynamics. Accordingly, agglomeration economies can be considered as an important phenomenon for urban growth dynamics in the study of multicentric urban development between cities, which has become a place of flows to affect their relations and connections with hinterland. In addition, in terms of their formation and development, urban growth and development issues should be examined regarding “inter-urban polycentric urban development.” Therefore, in the study, taking advantage of the three-star analysis used by spatial economies in agglomeration economies; spatial proximity, social and economic development, the development of the transport network and the presence of port connection criteria selected according to the criteria Manisa-İzmir, Adana-Mersin, Samsun-Ordu and Kocaeli-İstanbul and four regions or city-region are examined. The results of the study are examined and the economies of agglomeration and multicentre urban development between cities are tried to be interpreted and the usability of agglomeration economies in understanding and analyzing this situation is discussed.

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Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{2020, title={Türkiye’de Ekonomik Kümelenme ve Kentler-Arası Çok Merkezli Kentsel Gelişme Açısından Düşündürdükleri}, volume={11}, number={1073–1100}, publisher={İDEALKENT}, author={Seda EFE,Ahmet ÖZASLAN,Hüseyin GÜL}, year={2020} }
Seda EFE,Ahmet ÖZASLAN,Hüseyin GÜL. (2020). Türkiye’de Ekonomik Kümelenme ve Kentler-Arası Çok Merkezli Kentsel Gelişme Açısından Düşündürdükleri (Vol. 11). Vol. 11. İDEALKENT.
Seda EFE,Ahmet ÖZASLAN,Hüseyin GÜL. Türkiye’de Ekonomik Kümelenme ve Kentler-Arası Çok Merkezli Kentsel Gelişme Açısından Düşündürdükleri. no. 1073–1100, İDEALKENT, 2020.