International Journal of Educational Research Review

International Journal of Educational Research Review

Investigation of the Interactions of Mothers and Their 30-42 Months Old Children who are Living in Different Family Types in the Context of Mother Sensitivity

Yazarlar: Zeynep Deniz SEVEN, Erhan ALABAY

Cilt 5 , Sayı 1 , 2020 , Sayfalar 70 - 82

Konular:Eğitim, Bilimsel Disiplinler


Anahtar Kelimeler:Attachment,Maternal sensitivity,Emotional Availability

Özet: This study was conducted to investigate the interactions of mothers and 30-42 months old children living in large and nuclear family types in the context of maternal sensitivity. In this study, one of the qualitative research methods, embedded multi-case research was used. The participants of the study consisted of 8 mothers living in 4 large-4 nuclear family types and their children aged 30-42 months in the town of Muş. Descriptive-interpretive data analysis was used to describe the interactions of the studied group in depth by using natural and structured observation, mother-child information form and mother-child observation form. It was observed that children send their messages verbally, mothers' reactions are mostly positive in the extended family, mostly in the negative nuclear family, and mothers of both family types exhibit very limited behaviors in showing and sharing their feelings, showing cooperation and coordination behaviors, physical contact and eye contact. It is thought that mothers who have moved from extended families to nuclear families have predominantly extended family behavior patterns in these respects.

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@article{2020, title={Investigation of the Interactions of Mothers and Their 30-42 Months Old Children who are Living in Different Family Types in the Context of Mother Sensitivity}, volume={5}, number={1}, publisher={International Journal of Educational Research Review}, author={Zeynep Deniz SEVEN,Erhan ALABAY}, year={2020}, pages={70–82} }
Zeynep Deniz SEVEN,Erhan ALABAY. (2020). Investigation of the Interactions of Mothers and Their 30-42 Months Old Children who are Living in Different Family Types in the Context of Mother Sensitivity (Vol. 5, pp. 70–82). Vol. 5, pp. 70–82. International Journal of Educational Research Review.
Zeynep Deniz SEVEN,Erhan ALABAY. Investigation of the Interactions of Mothers and Their 30-42 Months Old Children Who Are Living in Different Family Types in the Context of Mother Sensitivity. no. 1, International Journal of Educational Research Review, 2020, pp. 70–82.