International Journal of Global Education
Yazarlar: Ali Sülün, Hilal Dellalbaşı Kılıç, Mustafa Kışoğlu, Hasan Gürbüz
Anahtar Kelimeler:-
Özet: The objective of the present study is to reveal whether there were any significant differences in teachers’ general views of Science and Technology Curriculum teaching at primary schools in 2009-2010 school term taking into consideration the school/program they finished, their classroom condition, classroom size and analysis in 2005.Curriculum. In the present study, survey design, one of descriptive designs in research methods, was conducted in which questionnaires prepared by the researcher were used in order to get teachers’ views. The questionnaires were administered to 68 out of 74 Science and Technology Teachers teaching at 85 primary schools in towns and villages alike in Erzincan. The data were analysed through SPSS and the arithmetic means and standard deviations were measured. Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis test were conducted. The results of the study showed teachers’ positive views on the Science and Technology Curriculum while they showed lack of knowledge about the curriculum, viability of, and exact practice of the curriculum. Key words: Science and Technology Curriculum, Instruction, Science and Technology Teachers References Akbaş, O., “An Analysis of the Primary Education Curriculum”, (288–303), the Notification Book for the National Congress of Classroom Teaching, Volume 2 (261-268). Ankara: Kök Publishing. (2006). Aykaç, N.; Başar,E. “Assessment of Primary Curriculum of Social Sciences”, Reflections in Education: VIII Symposium of the Assessment of New Primary Education Curriculum, 14-16 November, Erciyes University Sabancı Cultural Site, Kayseri, p. 343-345. (2005). Bukova-Güzel, E. and Alkan, H. “An Assessment of the Pilot Scheme of the Reconstructed Primary Education Curriculum”, Journal of Educational Sciences in Theory and Practice, 5 (2), 385-420. (2005). Bulut, İ. An Assessment of the Efficiency of 1st Level Primary Education Curriculums in Practice, (Published Doctorate Thesis), Fırat University, Institute of Social Sciences, Elazığ. (2006). Buluş Kırıkkaya E., “Views of Primary School Science Teachers regarding the Science and Technology Curriculum’ Journal of Turkish Science Year 6, Issue 1, April (2009). Erden, M., Curriculum Assessment in Teaching, (3rd Edition). Ankara: Anı Publishing. (1998). Erdoğan, M., “New Curriculum of 5th Grade Science and Technology Class: Reflections of Pilot Scheme”, Reflections in Education: the Notification Book for VIII Symposium of Assessing New Primary School Curriculums, (p. 299–310). Ankara: Sim Press. (2005). Gömleksiz M. N., “An Assessment of the Efficiency of the New Primary School Curriculum in Practice”, Journal of Educational Sciences in Theory and Practice, 5 (2), 339-384. (2005). Gözütok, F. D., Akgün, Ö. E. and Karacaoğlu, Ö. C., “Assessment of Primary Education Curriculums in terms of the Competency of Teachers”, Reflections in Education: the Notification Book for VIII Symposium of Assessing New Primary School Curriculums (p. 17–40). Ankara: Sim Press. (2005). Halat, E., Doğan, M. and Marulcu, “Ideologies of Prospective Teachers about the Curriculums”, XIV National Congress of Educational Sciences 1st Volume (p. 573-581), Pamukkale University Faculty of Education, Denizli. (2005). Özdemir, M. S., “Views of Primary School Science Teachers regarding the Science and Technology Curriculum (I-V grades)” XIV National Congress of Educational Sciences (p. 573-581), Pamukkale University Faculty of Education, Denizli. (2005). Yeşildağ, F., “Perceptions of Students regarding Multiple Modal Descriptions in Modern Physics Teaching and the Influence of Assessment Process for the Writing Activities Prepared by Modal Descriptions”(Published Master Thesis, Atatürk University, Institute of Science, Erzurum. (2009). Yıldırım, M. C., “An Assessment of the New Primary Education Curriculum”, the Notification Book for the National Congress of Classroom Teaching, Volume 2 (261-268). Ankara: Kök Publishing. (2006).