International Journal of Global Education

International Journal of Global Education


Yazarlar: Tosin Popoola, Gugu Mchunu

Cilt 3 , Sayı 4 , 2014 , Sayfalar -


Anahtar Kelimeler:-

Özet: Inseparability of human life and stress calls for increasing need for practical coping strategies to ease life’s unforeseen contingencies. Loss due to AIDS carries unique ramifications that complicates coping and thus challenge historical models of bereavement. Sub-Saharan Africa is home to ninety percent of AIDS orphans and Nigeria contributes almost 2.5 million of these orphans. Providing care and support for them constitute continuing challenge to healthcare delivery system. The study recruited six unsupported AIDS orphaned youths between the ages of 18-24 years purposively and collected data through in-depth semi-structured interviews. Transcribed interviews were analyzed using Coliazzi seven steps of analysis to derive themes. Main themes relating to hardiness were presented and discussed in relation to the hardiness theoretical framework. The findings of the study reveals that opportunity for hardiness education exists in the participants and this should be taken advantage of by health professionals and educators alike. Keywords: Hardiness; AIDS orphanhood; Nigeria; Coping References Alfred, G. C. (2011). Masculinity, hardiness, and psychological well-being in male student veterans (Doctoral dissertation,          University of Missouri--Columbia). Akbarizadeh, F., Jahanpour, F., & Hajivandi, A. (2013). The Relationship of General Health, Hardiness and Spiritual   Intelligence Relationship in Iranian Nurses. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry, 8(4), 165-167. AVERT (2012). HIV and AIDS in Africa. United Kingdom. AVERT (2013). HIV and AIDS in Nigeria. United Kingdom. Bartone, P. T., Hystad, S. W., Eid, J., & Brevik, J. I. (2012). Psychological hardiness and coping style as risk/resilience factors for alcohol abuse. Military medicine, 177(5), 517-524. Betancourt, T. S., & Khan, K. T. (2008). 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Tosin Popoola, Gugu Mchunu. (2014). HARDINESS EDUCATION NEEDS AFTER AIDS PARENTAL LOSS: A PHENOMENOLOGICAL STUDY IN NIGERIA (Vol. 3). Vol. 3. International Journal of Global Education.
Tosin Popoola, Gugu Mchunu. HARDINESS EDUCATION NEEDS AFTER AIDS PARENTAL LOSS: A PHENOMENOLOGICAL STUDY IN NIGERIA. no. 0, International Journal of Global Education, 2014.