Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences
Yazarlar: Ephraim Vikram Rao K, Sadananda Rao Battula
Anahtar Kelimeler:Renal artery,Accessory renal artery,Cadaver,Variations
Özet: Objectives: To know the variations of renal artery in human cadavers and to report the incidence. Methods: The study was performed on 32 cadaveric kidneys over 4 years. The posterior abdominal wall was dissected to study the paired kidneys. Results: The following parameters were observed. The number of renal arteries supplying each kidney, single in 88%, double in 12%, the level of origin of renal arteries (RA), Right RA higher origin in 75%, Left RA higher origin in 15%, both right and left RA origin at same level in 10%. Branching of RA, Hilar in 67%, Prehilar in 33%. The prevalence of accessory renal arteries (ARA) in the present study is 28%.The percentage of unilateral ARA in the present study is 15.67% and of bilateral ARA is 6.2%. Percentage of origin of ARA from aorta is 15.6%, from main renal artery is 7.8%. Conclusion: Anatomical knowledge of the vascular variations is essential for the clinician to perform procedures such as renal transplantation, renal vascular operations more safely and efficiently.