Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences
Yazarlar: N Bhaskar Rao, Ch Rambabu
Anahtar Kelimeler:Bupivacaine,Supraclavicular brachial plexus block,Peripheral nerve blockade
Özet: Pulmonary status of women during pregnancy is of great importance. Their efficacy should be assessed for both maternal & fetal well being. In this study, the respiratory functions in various stages of pregnancy along with postnatal status were monitored & compared. Mini Wright Peak Flow Meter (PFM), which is highly effective in assessing the lung functions of a person, has been selected as a means of assessing pulmonary functions of a pregnant woman. Graphs or tables are available of predicted normal values based on person's gender, age & height. We have tested the PEFR throughout pregnancy from 6 weeks onwards till puerperium and effect of mode of delivery and puerperium on it. We have taken study sample size of 300 .It is divided as 60 subjects in 5 groups like Non pregnant, First trimester, Second trimester, Third trimester, Postnatal period till 30 days after delivery in medical teaching institute. Predicted PEFR which depends on age & height of patient is calculated by referring to Wright's scale. In 1st & 2nd trimester the lung functions are relatively normal, while in 3rd trimester the pulmonary function gets compromised with decrease in PEFR, PEFR is not affected by parity and in all modes of delivery it is significantly low, more after caesarean section ( post operative pain might be responsible) and by the end of one month after delivery, the lung functions return back to normal.