Ermeni Araştırmaları

Ermeni Araştırmaları


Yazarlar: Güler YARCI

Cilt - , Sayı 51 , 2015 , Sayfalar 237 - 299


Anahtar Kelimeler:19th-20thCentury,Armenian,Committee,Money,Weapon,ForeignStates

Özet: The Armenian Problem, that existed after signed The Berlin Pact in13 July 1878 in The Western Diplomacy, continued tofall down of The OttomanEmpireby means of the negative propagandas. The Foreign States that createdthe Armenian Problem for Diplomacy, supported the Armenian that aimedrevolution, with money as well. Armenian problem was a new version of theAncient Eastern Problem in 1880’s. Because of this, The States, acting in TheEastern Problem for example Russia, England, French, supported TheArmenian Committees that founded for firstly autonomy, after independance.Swiss in Europe, The United States in easter, Iran an deven India in Asiasupported the Armenian with money. The Money sources for weapons,propagandas and terror acts of the committees that found The Ottoman,Russian and Caucasian Armenians, procured by Armenians settled in theseCountries and native folks. The Committee members collected donations fromthe volunteers and used forcesfrequently for financement. The historicaldevelopment of the Armenian Problem was exposed as objective or subjectiveby the native and foreign investigators until today. In the investigations of theseinvestigators, cited for the donations and moneys that collected by the membersof committee, but an investigation for this topic was not realized

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@article{2015, title={ERMENİ KOMİTELERİNİN MALİ KAYNAKLARI}, number={51}, publisher={Ermeni Araştırmaları}, author={Güler YARCI}, year={2015}, pages={237–299} }
Güler YARCI. (2015). ERMENİ KOMİTELERİNİN MALİ KAYNAKLARI (pp. 237–299). pp. 237–299. Ermeni Araştırmaları.
Güler YARCI. ERMENİ KOMİTELERİNİN MALİ KAYNAKLARI. no. 51, Ermeni Araştırmaları, 2015, pp. 237–99.