International Journal of Arts and Humanities Studies
Yazarlar: John Erwin Prado PEDROSO, Nordy D. Siason Jr., Amabel Tangco- Siason
Anahtar Kelimeler:Principals’ Leadership Practices,COVID-19 Pandemic
Özet: This qualitative research study looked into principals' leadership practices during the COVID-19 pandemic. It enlisted the participation of five school principals using convenient sampling based on inclusion criteria. To collect data, a semi-structured written interview based on Hersey and Blanchard's Situational leadership theory was used. To display the narratives, the data were transcribed, examined, compared, and carefully categorized into several themes. The findings reveal that school principals employed: 1. Strengths-based Practices; 2. Values-based Practices; and 3. Needs-based Practices. The findings of this study highlighted the need of applying situational leadership practices to strengthen principals' instructional and administrative duties, particularly during times of global crises.
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