Journal of Interior Design and Academy
Yazarlar: ["Havva Beril Bal", "Aslan Nayeb"]
Anahtar Kelimeler:Design,Emulation,Design education,Architectural movements,Lighting elements
Özet: In this study, it is aimed to experience the building-scale design principles at different scales by using the architectural trend as a source of inspiration in product design. In this direction, it is aimed to contribute to creativity by creating a different conceptual infrastructure in the design process.The study was carried out in two stages. First of all, the 4th grade students of the Department of Interior Architecture of Avrasya University were asked to design products by emulating 20th century architectural movements. The design principles of architectural movements and their reflection on building design were analyzed and a lighting element design was made in the scale of table lamp and labader. The second stage of the study is the survey study. With the survey study, the effect of the process and the resulting product on the design approaches of the students was tried to be evaluated. As a result of the survey, it was revealed that the students had difficulties at the beginning of the process, but were satisfied with the products. In this context, it is possible to say that the study, which aims to gain a different perspective, offers a different perspective in terms of gaining the concept development ability in the first steps of the design education process.