Innovational Research in ELT

Innovational Research in ELT

Using flipped classroom model for developing speaking skills: An integrative review research

Yazarlar: Necati Sönmez

Cilt 1 , Sayı 1 , 2020 , Sayfalar 10-20


Anahtar Kelimeler:Flipped classroom model,Speaking skills,Collaborative learning,Integrative review research.

Özet: This integrative review research’s aim is to compare the eight studies that explore the effects of flipped classroom model on developing the speaking skills of the students. In order to analyze the data, this integrative research adapts an inductive content analysis approach because the data gathered from each of the articles are described through tables by grouping the data through themes and categories. Students’ attitudes towards the flipped classroom model and positive and negative effects of the flipped classroom model and its strengths and weaknesses in terms of developing speaking skills are explored in this study because the research questions are centered on these issues. The results show that the flipped classroom model enhances the speaking skills of the students because it provides an environment for the students to become confident and autonomous in their own language learning and they are exposed to language both inside and outside of the classroom. However, flipped classroom’s negative impacts are expressed in several studies. Some of the negative impacts are related to the long learning process and affective factors. Although there are both negative and positive effects of flipped classroom model on the development of speaking skills, nearly all of the studies indicate that it provides a meaningful, collaborative and active learning environment where students can engage with one another and speak English all the time by engaging in meaningful activities through collaboration.

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@article{2020, title={Using flipped classroom model for developing speaking skills: An integrative review research}, volume={1}, number={10–20}, publisher={Innovational Research in ELT}, author={Necati Sönmez}, year={2020} }
Necati Sönmez. (2020). Using flipped classroom model for developing speaking skills: An integrative review research (Vol. 1). Vol. 1. Innovational Research in ELT.
Necati Sönmez. Using Flipped Classroom Model for Developing Speaking Skills: An Integrative Review Research. no. 10–20, Innovational Research in ELT, 2020.