Ekonomi ve Finansal Araştırmalar Dergisi
Yazarlar: ["Hatice AKYOL", "Nasıf ÖZKAN"]
Anahtar Kelimeler:Aktif Kârlılığı,Öz Sermaye Kârlılığı,Uluslararasılaşma
Özet: The study examines the relationship between the financial performance of Turkey's 500 largest industrial enterprises and their R&D and export intensity. Also the impact of export intensity on the relationship between R&D and financial performance is analysed. 171 companies ranked in the ISO 500 companies between 2012-2020 and making R&D expenditures were analysed with panel data models. The analysis results show that firms' R&D intensities affect their financial performance negatively at the beginning, and this effect turns positive when R&D intensities reach a certain level. In addition, we concluded that the export intensity did not have a statistically significant impact on the financial performance of the firms. In HIGH-TECH firms, the relationship between R&D intensity and financial performance is negative in the short run. However, this relationship becomes positive when R&D intensity reaches a certain level. In low-technology firms, there is no relationship between these variables.