Bussecon Review of Finance & Banking

Bussecon Review of Finance & Banking

Tax revenue and private domestic investment: Evidence from Nigeria

Yazarlar: Richard Umeokwobi, Emeka Nkoro

Cilt 1 , Sayı 2 , 2019 , Sayfalar 25-32



Anahtar Kelimeler:Private Domestiv Investment,Tax Revenue,Nigeria

Özet: This paper investigated the impact of tax revenue on private domestic investment in Nigeria from 1980 to 2018 using the modified ordinary least squares- Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL). The paper used oil revenue, non-oil revenue, and Corporate Income Tax (CIT) as the independent variables while Private Domestic Investment (PDI) is the dependent variable. Oil revenue and non-oil revenue were used as a proxy for oil and non-oil tax. These data were obtained from secondary sources- central Bank of Nigeria, World Bank database and Federal Inland Revenue service statistical bulletin. The result showed that a long-run relationship exists between the aforementioned variables. Also, the paper revealed that oil and non-oil do not have a significant impact on PDI but CIT has a positive and significant impact on PDI. The paper recommends that proper measures/reforms should be put in place in order to reduce the impact of tax on private domestic investment in Nigeria.

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@article{2019, title={Tax revenue and private domestic investment: Evidence from Nigeria}, volume={1}, number={25–32}, publisher={Bussecon Review of Finance & Banking}, author={Richard Umeokwobi, Emeka Nkoro}, year={2019} }
Richard Umeokwobi, Emeka Nkoro. (2019). Tax revenue and private domestic investment: Evidence from Nigeria (Vol. 1). Vol. 1. Bussecon Review of Finance & Banking.
Richard Umeokwobi, Emeka Nkoro. Tax Revenue and Private Domestic Investment: Evidence from Nigeria. no. 25–32, Bussecon Review of Finance & Banking, 2019.