Economics Literature
Yazarlar: ["Serdar Yetişen", "Musa Türkoğlu", "Gülhan Duran"]
Anahtar Kelimeler:-
Özet: This study has been prepared within the scope of the member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), except for Estonia. In the study, it is aimed to compare OECD member countries within the scope of the misery index developed by Okun and expanded by Barro. Making comparisons between countries by using macroeconomic indicators and thus revealing similarities and differences constitute the main source of motivation for the study. The data used in the study covers the period of 2008-2021 and it allows the evaluation of the 2008 global crisis, the emergence and deepening of the European debt crisis and the global epidemic periods. This way, the question of whether the global crises are effective on the misery level of OECD countries will be answered. It is thought that efforts will be made to answer this question in econometric or statistical terms in the future and this study will form the basis for these studies.