Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi
Yazarlar: Sebahattin ÖZCAN
Anahtar Kelimeler:Transgenic maize production,Corn insects,Bacillus thrungiensis,Insect resistant
Özet: Corn is the largest grown (785 million tons) cereal in the world with doubled grain yield per unit area compared to wheat andbarley. In Turkey, corn is produced on approximately 550 thousand hectares with annual production of 3,5 million tons, ofwhich nearly half is produced in the Mediterranean region. The share of corn production as second crop in the Mediterraneanregion is very high. Although, corn as second crop had 65% share in production during 2005 in Çukurova region, today thisratio has sharp drop due to infestation of European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) and Mediterranean corn borer (Sesamianonagrioides). European corn borer fertilise 2-3 times per year in the Mediterranean region and Mediterranean corn borerfertilise 4-5 times a year and if insecticides are not applied the losses could rise to 100% in late and second crop production.Application of chemicals against these harmful insects is recommended 2-3 times. However, yield losses could rise up to30% during years with severe insect outbreaks even after 4-5 application of these insecticides. On the other hand, withoutusing insecticides it is possible to get 30% increase in yield by production of insect-resistant genetically modified (GM) cornvarieties using biotechnological approaches. Insect-resistant GM corn varieties are currently grown in 17 countries including7 EU countries on approximately 37 million hectares and are used as food and feed in 54 countries.Intensive risk analysis andthe results of 13 years global production of GM corn cultivars showed no significant risks onenvironment, human and animalhealth. The countries who apply a good risk management for the unpredictable effects onenvironmental and agriculturalsystems produce GM crops and farmers can achieve important gains in their agriculturalpractices and in their income.Production of GM corn cultivars as second crop in Mediterranean and GAP regions of Turkeywill lead to important contributionsto the farmers’ income and result in significant increase in corn production. Moreover,the foreign currency that is paidto purchase on the average one million tons of corn every year from GM corn producingcountries such as USAwill returnto our own farmers as their income.
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