Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi
Anahtar Kelimeler:Oxidative stress,Mitochondria,Aging.
Özet: Reactive oxygen metabolites (ROMs) or free radicals are formed by mitochondria in all aerobic organisms as a productof normal metabolism in mitochondria and cause damage to macromolecules. Mitochondria are most vulnerable against theseradicals in cells and ATP production decline as a result of mitochondrial dysfunction. It has recently been demonstrated thataccumulation of oxidative damages with age has a significant role in apoptosis, some late-life diseases and aging process.Actually cells possess antioxidant defense mechanisms that detoxify free radicals. Because the defense mechanisms areinadequate during the aging process, oxidative damages are accumulated and cause diseases and aging. Anyway, sole causeof aging is not reduced to free oxygen radicals owing to the fact that aging is probably a multifactorial process.
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