Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi
Yazarlar: Vaqif NOVRUZOV, Ramide QULIYEVA
Anahtar Kelimeler:Cenopopulation,Biomorph,Ontogenes,Geobotany.
Özet: The article is the sum of studies of rare wheats as Agrostis planifolia C. Koch, Agrostis lazica Balansa from highest tops of the SmallCaucasus, their Bioecological features and dinamics of senopopulations have been studies carefully. It has been estimated that the total onthogenesis of both species covers 4 terms and 10 onthogenetic conditions. The total life circle of investigated species is around 15-36 years. The high ecological flexibility of species guarantees their domination in phytosenosis. It's adviced to organize long term, permanent monitoring over these species and their inhabitant in order to protect them from outside intervention.