Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi
Yazarlar: Sevil SAĞLAM
Anahtar Kelimeler:Education,Turkey,University,Biotechnology
Özet: The purpose of this study, the analiysis of state of agricultural biotechnology education in Turkey. Turkey will require greatly in thefuture to the trained manpower in the field of biotechnology. With this approach, the development of agricultural biotechnology and withshort and long- term plans can be made to reach the current state of the plan should be current analyzed. The relevant departments of thePublic and Private University, Public and Private Research Institutions and Agricultural Centers were examined in detail. AgriculturalBiotechnology is separated to head of the departments Plant Biotechnology, Animal Biotechnology and Enzyme and MicrobialBiotechnology. Department of Agricultural Biotechnology is not yet fully recognized all of our country. The devolopment of AgriculturalBiotechnology will contribute to advances to Turkish Agriculture.