Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi
Yazarlar: Egemen Sertyeşilışık
Anahtar Kelimeler:Water problem,Egypt,Political economy of water,Agriculture,Water use
Özet: Water is important for maintaining activities in the fields of agriculture, industry and service. Agricultural sector consumes approximately 70%of the world’s water resources, whereas domestic sector consumes 8%, and the industrial sector consumes 22% of the world’s water resources.In terms of water resources, Middle East is one of the poorest regions of the world. The region hosts 5% of the world’s population and less than1% of the world’s renewable fresh water resources. Egypt is among the Middle East countries facing water problem seriously. Approximately96% of the Egyptian state is covered by desert. Egyptian population mainly lives in the 4% of the land area of the country. For this reason,within the scope of this paper, detailed information on the Egypt’s water problems will be provided. Furthermore, solutions to the Egypt’swater problem will be suggested from the political economy point of view so that effective and efficient use of water in Egypt can be supported.