Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi

Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi

Katı Atıkların Geriye Kazanımı ve Tarımsal Kullanım Olanakları


Cilt 10 , Sayı 2 , 2017 , Sayfalar 62-65


Anahtar Kelimeler:Solid waste,Ecovery,Sustainability,Environment

Özet: Sustainability in agriculture is possible by the efficient use and protection of natural resources. It is clear that these resourcesare not limitless and that one day they will be exhausted if they are not used carefully. Developed countries, in attempting toraise living standards and faced with an energy crisis, have realized this, and as well as preventing waste, have researchedand developed ways of recycling and re-using their wastes. In the same way, the European Economic Community drew upregulations for waste recycling in its member countries (Kocasoy, 1990). In order for developing countries and those whichare faced with economic difficulties to make the best use of their natural resources over the long term, waste must be curtailedand methods of re-use must be researched. The recycling and re-use of materials such as iron, steel, copper, lead, paper, plastic,rubber and glass will prevent the exhaustion of our natural resources, as well as reducing the payments in foreign currency forthe import of scrap materials to meet the needs of the country, and making great savings in energy use. At least as importantas this is the great reduction in the amounts of solid waste and thus of environmental pollution. In particular, a reduction in theamount and volume of solid waste is a great advantage for countries without sufficient space for proper disposal.The aim of this study was to examine the categorization of solid waste and the advantages to agriculture, the environment andthe economy of the basic processes used in recycling and recovery, from a national and global perspective.

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@article{2017, title={Katı Atıkların Geriye Kazanımı ve Tarımsal Kullanım Olanakları}, volume={10}, number={62–65}, publisher={Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi}, author={Seda ERDOĞAN BAYRAM}, year={2017} }
Seda ERDOĞAN BAYRAM. (2017). Katı Atıkların Geriye Kazanımı ve Tarımsal Kullanım Olanakları (Vol. 10). Vol. 10. Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi.
Seda ERDOĞAN BAYRAM. Katı Atıkların Geriye Kazanımı ve Tarımsal Kullanım Olanakları. no. 62–65, Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi, 2017.