Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi
Yazarlar: İlknur Dağ
Anahtar Kelimeler:Transmission electron microscope,Cryo TEM
Özet: Transmission electron microscopes are devices that introduce very important data in the field of cell biology and biomedical researchs. With thedevelopments new technologies, samples are visualized better. Thus, both our knowledges about biological sample increase and we can reachthe detailed information about the location of important molecules. Although many types of microscopy developed to date, the most advantageof electron microscopes are the ability to give high resolution and the introduce very detailed information about cell architecture. To visualizesample in a state as close to a living state as possible, their structural components should be maintained and the determination and applicationof available preparation protocole is essential. This review aims to introduce an general point of view about the mostly used techniques aboutTEM imaging of biological samples. Both conventional and latest criyo techniques are defined, the advantages and disadvantages of eachtechnique and introduced knowledges are detailed.