Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi
Yazarlar: Ülküye Dudu Gül
Anahtar Kelimeler:Bioremediation,Decolorization,Textile wastewater
Özet: Development of industrial activities provides economical benefits but increasing industrial activities also create problems with the removal ofwastes. Particularly untreated wastewater of textile industries creates an important environmental problem due to dyes content. High amounts ofdyes are toxic for living organisms. There are some physico-chemical methods for removal of dyes but these methods are expensive. Biologicaltreatment methods are relatively cheaper. Bioremediation technologies involve neutralization or removal of pollutants by using organisms. Theaim of this study is to review the relevant data about bioremediation of dyes from literature. Some information about decolorization of dyesby microorganisms as bacteria, fungi and algae is given in this paper. Microbial remediation technologies are both inexpensive and efficienttechnologies for removal of textile dyes.
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