Journal La Medihealtico

Journal La Medihealtico

Effectiveness of Back Massage Therapy to Reduce Acute Pain in Hypertension in the Working Area of Health Center Kading Bone Regency

Yazarlar: Mardiana Mardiana

Cilt 2 , Sayı 1 , 2021 , Sayfalar 27-31



Anahtar Kelimeler:Back Massage,Pain,Hypertension

Özet: Background Background : The World Health Organization (WHO) explained that the prevalence of hypertension in the world amounted to 1.13 billion . The prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia amounted to 8 , 36 % of some provinces in Indonesia. The increasing number of people with hypertension can be caused by several factors , including: environment , behavior , and offspring that can , causing the patient a patient experiencing pain head . Purpose : This study aims to assess the effectiveness of back massage therapy in reducing pain in hypertensive patients . Methods : This study was a Quasy experiment with a pretest-posttest control gro up . A sample of 30 respondents who were divided into 2 groups . Group intervention (n = 15) who received treatment massage the back and the group control received treatment techniques of relaxation breath in (n = 15). Results : analysis of research that is conducted on a group of interventions by using a test of independent samples t-test showed a value significantly decrease scale of pain in patients with hypertension with a value of p = 0.000 , while the group of control showed the value of p = 0.082 by administration of therapeutic relaxation breath in . CONCLUSIONS in research is massage the back of effectively lowering of pain in patients with hypertension.

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Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{2021, title={Effectiveness of Back Massage Therapy to Reduce Acute Pain in Hypertension in the Working Area of Health Center Kading Bone Regency}, volume={2}, number={27–31}, publisher={Journal La Medihealtico}, author={Mardiana Mardiana}, year={2021} }
Mardiana Mardiana. (2021). Effectiveness of Back Massage Therapy to Reduce Acute Pain in Hypertension in the Working Area of Health Center Kading Bone Regency (Vol. 2). Vol. 2. Journal La Medihealtico.
Mardiana Mardiana. Effectiveness of Back Massage Therapy to Reduce Acute Pain in Hypertension in the Working Area of Health Center Kading Bone Regency. no. 27–31, Journal La Medihealtico, 2021.