

From Developmental and Industrialization to Neoliberal Premature Deindustrialization

Yazarlar: Bayram Ali EŞİYOK

Cilt 2 , Sayı 1 , 2018 , Sayfalar 71 - 102



Anahtar Kelimeler:Developmental State,Industrialization,İmport Substitution,Neoliberal Reconstruction,Premature Deindustrialization

Özet: History of capitalism is the history of crises and reconstruction. After the second sharing, this period that will continue till the middle of 1970’s and be qualified as the golden age of capitalism is the most social period also as the result of the expansionary welfare State applications of capitalism. In the golden age of capitalism, as the result of import substitution industrialization strategy applied in the environmental countries, important structural transformations occurred in the production structure of many countries also including Turkey, and the share of industry increased significantly. The main actor was the state in the import substitution industrialization strategy applied in the environmental countries. Developmental state, using resource allocation for the productive sectors (primarily the production industry), important transformations were obtained in industry. By means of the selective industrial politics applied by the developmental state, many nearby countries the export structure of which depends on the agricultural products due to the production went up to the statute of industrial exporting country. As the result of the erosion observed in the productivity growth in the developer countries and stagflation escalated, the golden age of capitalism ended in the middle of the 1970’s. The neoliberal reconstruction policies depending on the financial collection were carried into effect instead of it. In this period, in which developmental state and its tools were rectified and the financial crises increased day by day, Turkey came face to face with deindustrialization fact like the Latin America countries, and its industrializations were obstructed in an early stage. In the conditions of the 21st Century, when the socio-economic problems of the nearby countries increasing day by day were considered (except China and South Korea), the developmental state and the policies it will apply are evaluated as the basic solution.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{2018, title={From Developmental and Industrialization to Neoliberal Premature Deindustrialization}, volume={2}, number={1}, publisher={Fiscaoeconomia}, author={Bayram Ali EŞİYOK}, year={2018}, pages={71–102} }
Bayram Ali EŞİYOK. (2018). From Developmental and Industrialization to Neoliberal Premature Deindustrialization (Vol. 2, pp. 71–102). Vol. 2, pp. 71–102. Fiscaoeconomia.
Bayram Ali EŞİYOK. From Developmental and Industrialization to Neoliberal Premature Deindustrialization. no. 1, Fiscaoeconomia, 2018, pp. 71–102.