Journal of Turkish Science Education

Journal of Turkish Science Education

Development of Science Laboratory Entrepreneurship Scale

Yazarlar: Harun ÇELİK , Ahmet BACANAK , Erdem ÇAKIR

Cilt 12 , Sayı 3 , 2015 , Sayfalar 65-78


Anahtar Kelimeler:Science Laboratory ,Entrepreneurship ,Pre-service Teachers

Özet: The concept of entrepreneurship is a relatively recent concept introduced into educational programs and educational literature and the current study was conducted to determine the entrepreneurship characteristics possessed by pre-service teachers who are expected to educate future generations. The study employed the descriptive survey model. The sampling of the study is comprised of 239 pre-service science teachers from the universities of Kırıkkale and Amasya. The collected data were subjected to exploratory factor analysis (EFA) through SPSS program package and KMO value was found to be .910 and α reliability value of each factor was calculated to be ranging from .76 to .92. The exploratory factor analysis revealed that the scale is made up of four factors and then confirmatory factor analysis was carried out to confirm the factor structures of the scale. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis conducted by using maximum likelihood technique without putting any restrictions, the values ofgoodness of fit indices were found as follows; χ2sd=344= 650.1, p<.001, χ2/d = 1.89, RMSEA= 0.061, GFI= 0.89, AGFI= 0.91, CFI= 0.9 and IFI= 0.89. As a conclusion, 28-item Science Laboratory Entrepreneurship Scale explaining 52.136% of the total variance was developed.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{2015, title={Development of Science Laboratory Entrepreneurship Scale}, volume={12}, number={65–78}, publisher={The Journal of Turkish Science Education}, author={Harun ÇELİK , Ahmet BACANAK , Erdem ÇAKIR}, year={2015} }
Harun ÇELİK , Ahmet BACANAK , Erdem ÇAKIR. (2015). Development of Science Laboratory Entrepreneurship Scale (Vol. 12). Vol. 12. The Journal of Turkish Science Education.
Harun ÇELİK , Ahmet BACANAK , Erdem ÇAKIR. Development of Science Laboratory Entrepreneurship Scale. no. 65–78, The Journal of Turkish Science Education, 2015.