Journal of Turkish Science Education

Journal of Turkish Science Education

Turkish Early Childhood Education Curriculum from the Perspective of STEM Education: A Document Analysis

Yazarlar: Aysun ATA AKTÜRK , Hasibe Özlen DEMİRCAN , Ezgi ŞENYURT , Mustafa ÇETİN

Cilt 14 , Sayı 4 , 2017 , Sayfalar 16-34


Anahtar Kelimeler:STEM education ,Early childhood curriculum ,Policy

Özet: The current study aimed to examine Turkish early childhood education curriculum prepared for 36–72 month children relative to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. To that end, 240 developmental features, 65 objectives, and 230 indicators under developmental fields in the curriculum and 40 sample activities in a teacher activity book were analyzed by adopting content analysis. The data were analyzed in the light of “A Framework for K–12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas” developed by the Committee on a Conceptual Framework for New K–12 Science Education Standards within the National Research Council. Analyses revealed that the curriculum and teacher activity book included core ideas and concepts related to STEM education and it had most of the characteristics of STEM education. Finding out the existence of STEM educationrelated aspects of the early childhood education curriculum inspires conducting further studies that will help early childhood educators’, academicians’, and policy makers’ focus on integrating and implementing STEM education practices not only in Turkey but also in countries adopting similar early childhood education curriculums.

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@article{2017, title={Turkish Early Childhood Education Curriculum from the Perspective of STEM Education: A Document Analysis}, volume={14}, number={16–34}, publisher={The Journal of Turkish Science Education}, author={Aysun ATA AKTÜRK , Hasibe Özlen DEMİRCAN , Ezgi ŞENYURT , Mustafa ÇETİN}, year={2017} }
Aysun ATA AKTÜRK , Hasibe Özlen DEMİRCAN , Ezgi ŞENYURT , Mustafa ÇETİN. (2017). Turkish Early Childhood Education Curriculum from the Perspective of STEM Education: A Document Analysis (Vol. 14). Vol. 14. The Journal of Turkish Science Education.
Aysun ATA AKTÜRK , Hasibe Özlen DEMİRCAN , Ezgi ŞENYURT , Mustafa ÇETİN. Turkish Early Childhood Education Curriculum from the Perspective of STEM Education: A Document Analysis. no. 16–34, The Journal of Turkish Science Education, 2017.