European Endodontic Journal

European Endodontic Journal

Endodontic Management of a Mandibular First Molar with Unusual Canal Morphology

Yazarlar: Ahmed Abdel Rahman Hashem, Hany Mohamed Aly Ahme

Cilt 2 , Sayı 1 , 2017 , Sayfalar 5



Anahtar Kelimeler: Canal anatomy,Cone beam computed tomography,Mandibular molar,Middle mesial canal,Middle distal canal

Özet: A comprehensive knowledge and understanding of root canal anatomical variations are essential for success- ful root canal treatment. Mandibular molar teeth show considerable variations in their external and internal radicular morphology that require special attention from dental practitioners to provide the best clinical out- comes to the patients. This report aims to present root canal treatment of a mandibular first molar that has six separate root canals (three root canals in the mesial roots and three in the distal roots [236 M3 D3]). This report points out the importance of proper exploration for identifying additional canals in mandibular molars.

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@article{2017, title={Endodontic Management of a Mandibular First Molar with Unusual Canal Morphology}, volume={2}, number={5}, publisher={European Endodontic Journal}, author={Ahmed Abdel Rahman Hashem, Hany Mohamed Aly Ahme}, year={2017} }
Ahmed Abdel Rahman Hashem, Hany Mohamed Aly Ahme. (2017). Endodontic Management of a Mandibular First Molar with Unusual Canal Morphology (Vol. 2). Vol. 2. European Endodontic Journal.
Ahmed Abdel Rahman Hashem, Hany Mohamed Aly Ahme. Endodontic Management of a Mandibular First Molar with Unusual Canal Morphology. no. 5, European Endodontic Journal, 2017.