International Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences

International Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences

Yolk Color Parameters In Eggs Of Atak-S Parents

Yazarlar: Gökhan FİLİK, Olgay Kaan TEKİN, Ayşe Gül FİLİK, Orhan ÇETİNKAYA, Zekeriya DOĞAN, Hüseyin ÇAYAN, İsa COŞKUN, Ahmet ŞAHİN

Cilt 1 , Sayı 1 , 2018 , Sayfalar 45-48


Anahtar Kelimeler:L* a* b* Values,E value,Hue,Saturation,Chroma,Ho value,CIELAB,Yolk Color

Özet: The present study was conducted to determine the color characteristics of egg yolk in the eggs of layers ATAK-S [Barred Rock I (BAR1) and Rhode Island Red I (RIR1)] parents. Twenty five weeks old ATAK-S layer parents were divided into 7 treatment groups of similar mean weight (including 60 female and 10 male) in Agricultural Biotechnology Department, Ahi Evran University. Parents ATAK-S housed were employed a 16:8 hours light: dark photoperiod. Feed and water were given ad libitum. Layers were fed standard layer diet having 17 g crude protein, 3.8 g calcium and 2800 Kcal ME in each kg. Experiment was carried out 48 weeks (between 25 and 72 weeks) and a total of 4032 egg yolks were analyzed. L* a* b* values were measured with photo colorimetric method of the CIELAB system and E (color difference) value, hue, saturation (Chroma), Ho value were calculated. To conclude, overall mean of L*, a*, b*, E, hue, saturation (Chroma) and Ho value were 68.07+0.060, 25.15+0.097, 34.57+0.068, 80.53+0.057, 0.95+0.002, 42.86+0.068 and 53.94+0.129, respectively. This work was supported by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies. Project Number: TAGEM-15/ AR-GE/28.

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@article{2018, title={Yolk Color Parameters In Eggs Of Atak-S Parents}, volume={1}, number={45–48}, publisher={International Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences}, author={Gökhan FİLİK, Olgay Kaan TEKİN, Ayşe Gül FİLİK, Orhan ÇETİNKAYA, Zekeriya DOĞAN, Hüseyin ÇAYAN, İsa COŞKUN, Ahmet ŞAHİN}, year={2018} }
Gökhan FİLİK, Olgay Kaan TEKİN, Ayşe Gül FİLİK, Orhan ÇETİNKAYA, Zekeriya DOĞAN, Hüseyin ÇAYAN, İsa COŞKUN, Ahmet ŞAHİN. (2018). Yolk Color Parameters In Eggs Of Atak-S Parents (Vol. 1). Vol. 1. International Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences.
Gökhan FİLİK, Olgay Kaan TEKİN, Ayşe Gül FİLİK, Orhan ÇETİNKAYA, Zekeriya DOĞAN, Hüseyin ÇAYAN, İsa COŞKUN, Ahmet ŞAHİN. Yolk Color Parameters In Eggs Of Atak-S Parents. no. 45–48, International Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 2018.