International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies

International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies

The Impacts of China's Shadow Banking Credit Creation on the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy

Yazarlar: Huiyi Zhang, Richard Skolnik, Yu Han, Jinpei Wu

Cilt 9 , Sayı 4 , 2020 , Sayfalar 33-46


Anahtar Kelimeler:Shadow banking,Credit creation,Monetary policy,CC,M model,VAR model

Özet: This paper researches the impact that shadow banking in China has upon credit creation and the potential effectiveness of monetary policy. Using a credit creation model, we derive the effect that shadow banking has upon the money multiplier and the money supply. The model shows that shadow banking can change the money multiplier, potentially increasing it during an expansion and decreasing it during a contraction. Introducing shadow banking in a CC-LM model results in a shift of the CC and LM curves resulting in a higher equilibrium output. A vector autoregressive model is used to empirically estimate the impact of shadow banking deposits' growth rate on the growth rates of the broad money supply, GDP, and the CPI. The results show that shadow banking's credit creation function in China has a pro-cyclical characteristic, potentially reducing the money supply's controllability and increasing the difficulty in effectively regulating monetary policy. This paper introduces shadow banking into the currency creation process of traditional commercial banks, accounting for the reserve requirement ratio, the excess reserve ratio, the shadow bank leakage rate, and the reserved deduction rate. Future research can determine whether coordinating monetary policy and leverage ratio regulation mitigates the impact of shadow banking. Another area of research is how the shadow banking of non-financial companies affect monetary policy.

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@article{2020, title={The Impacts of China’s Shadow Banking Credit Creation on the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy}, volume={9}, number={33–46}, publisher={International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies}, author={Huiyi Zhang,Richard Skolnik,Yu Han,Jinpei Wu}, year={2020} }
Huiyi Zhang,Richard Skolnik,Yu Han,Jinpei Wu. (2020). The Impacts of China’s Shadow Banking Credit Creation on the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy (Vol. 9). Vol. 9. International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies.
Huiyi Zhang,Richard Skolnik,Yu Han,Jinpei Wu. The Impacts of China’s Shadow Banking Credit Creation on the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy. no. 33–46, International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies, 2020.