ESTÜDAM Halk Sağlığı Dergisi
Yazarlar: Gökçe DAĞTEKİN, Zeynep DEMİRTAŞ, Melike ALAİYE, Ramazan SAĞLAN, M. Fatih ÖNSÜZ, Burhanettin IŞIKLI, F. Sultan KILIÇ, Selma METİNTAŞ
Anahtar Kelimeler:Rational drug,Attitude,Behavior
Özet: The aim of the study was to investigate attitudes and behaviors related to rational drug use in adults who applied to family health centers in semirural areas. Two Community Health Center (CHC) regions were randomly selected from the four CHC regions of the Eskişehir Osmangazi University (EOU) Educational Research Zone by cluster sampling method. A total of 768 adult were recruited to the family health centers within the selected CHC regions during the survey. The first part of the questionnaire used to collect data consisted of questions about the participants' sociodemographic and background characteristics and the second part consisted thirteen questions about attitudes and behaviors related to rational drug use. The rational drug use behavior in the study was defined as the use of the amount prescribed by the physician. Chi-square test and multiple logistic regression analysis were used in the analysis of the data. The mean age of the 768 participants was between 18 and 87 years and the mean ± SD was 41.9 ± 14.5 years. 90.6% of participants reported using drug without prescribed by a physician. Painkillers were the most often taken without a prescription. The incidence of irrational drug use in the study group was 53.4%. In the study group, irrational drug use behavior was found risky below 40 years of age, males and with poor income levels. Participants in the study were found inadequate of rational drug use, especially in younger age.It has been concluded that health education should be given to acquire positive attitudes and behaviors related to rational drug use by individuals and it would be appropriate to put nonrational drug behaviors into the provision of primary health care services to patients
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