Anadolu Bil Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi

Anadolu Bil Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi

Dış ticaret ve antrepo rejimi

Yazarlar: Ali İhsan ÖZEROĞLU

Cilt - , Sayı 22 , 2011 , Sayfalar 33 - 38


Anahtar Kelimeler:Foreign trade,Import,Export,Warehouse (Antrepo)

Özet: In parallel to historical developments of international relations, commercial relations did not remain domestic and expanded its volume beyond country boundaries. Foreign trade simply implies export and import transactions between to countries. Some countries buy the products that they can not produce from other country and it is called import. Some countries sell their products to other countries and it is called export. Through the foreign trade volume, countries, on one side, increase their walfare level and their national income, and on the other side, balance the foreign trade deficit. Those countries having high export volume generate surplus, however other countries having big import volume incurr in balance deficit. From this aspact, foreign trade plays very important role in the balance of payment of a country. The dominant factor in foreign trade is competing power of the country. That is why whilst some countries export products with competative advantage from many aspects such as row material, labor, logistic that leads cost effective production inputs, they import products with no competative advantage. At this point, Warehouse (Antrepo) management puts forward its significans

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@article{2011, title={Dış ticaret ve antrepo rejimi}, number={22}, publisher={Anadolu Bil Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi}, author={Ali İhsan ÖZEROĞLU}, year={2011}, pages={33–38} }
Ali İhsan ÖZEROĞLU. (2011). Dış ticaret ve antrepo rejimi (pp. 33–38). pp. 33–38. Anadolu Bil Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi.
Ali İhsan ÖZEROĞLU. Dış Ticaret ve Antrepo Rejimi. no. 22, Anadolu Bil Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 2011, pp. 33–38.