Meyve Bilimi
Yazarlar: Kadir UÇGUN, Hüseyin AKGÜL, Şerif ÖZONGUN, Mesut ALTINDAL, Suat KAYMAK
Anahtar Kelimeler:Apple,Interaction,Nutrient,Venturia inaequalis
Özet: In plants, resistance to disease is genetically determined and environmental factors such as nutrients and fertilization decreases or increases it. The ratios between nutrients are more important than the total amount of nutrients in relation to the disease. This study was carried out in 2008-2009 at Fruit Research Station in Eğirdir, Isparta, Turkey. Middle of vegetation, leaf samples were collected from apple types and cultivars which are resistant on apple scab Venturia inaequalis (Cke.) Wint.- (Yaz elması-2563, Amasya 9, 62-2, Sarıgöbek, Şeker, Gelendost and Aksu 4) and susceptible (Wayne Spur, Yellow Spur, Cooper 7-SB-2, Avwil Spur, Olatro Prevuzhodna, Golden Sel B., Hi-Early and Dbl. Red Stayman). Nitrogen, P, K, Ca, Mg, total Fe, active Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn and B contents of the leaf and ratios among elements were determined and were examined the interactions with the disease. According to the results, the important interactions were determined between resistance and nutrient rations. Especially, Ca:N and Ca:Mg rations were found in the resistant types and cultivars, in other words, the resistant types and cultivars had higher Ca proportionately. This study have shown that the rations between nutrients are more important than nutrients alone in evaluation of relationship with the disease