Osmangazi Journal of Educational Research
Yazarlar: Fatma ALTINSOY, Nilüfer ÖZABACI
Konular:Eğitim, Eğitim Araştırmaları
Anahtar Kelimeler:School Counsellor,Counselling,Metaphor,Metaphor Analysis
Özet: The purpose of this paper is to clarify high school students’ conceptual metaphors about school counsellor. To collect data about the beliefs of students for counselling. In addition to find the conceptual themes about the beliefs of students among their experience. The study was carried out with 213 students attending high schools in Marmara Region of Turkey. Participants were 127 girls and 86 boys. To reveal the participating students’ perceptions regarding the school counsellor, they were asked to complete the sentence “School Counsellors…. (metaphor)…. are like because…( why did you choose this metaphor)…. The findings defined that 78 metaphors were collected in seven themes These are; sharer, developer, guide, helper, making comfortable and problem solver. The findings of this study suggest that psychological counsellors play an important role in the mental health field in schools.