Turkish International Journal of Special Education and Guidance & Counselling
Yazarlar: Saime ÇAĞLAK SARI, Mehmet İNAN
Anahtar Kelimeler:Processing speed,Types of reaction (simple,Selective,Distinctive),Agility.
Özet: This study is suitable to a model of 42 students (21 experiment, 21 control) from a primary school located in Istanbul, were the aim is to examine the effect agility exercises and games on Simple, Selective and Distinctive (reaction, movement and response) reaction types. In the study, an "Academy Reaction Timer" was used to evaluate Simple, Selective and Distinctive reaction types, "Side Direction Alter", "T" and Short “T" tests were used as agility tests, and "WJ-R COG Cognitive Ability Test" was used to evaluate processing speed (Test 3: Visual Matching and Test 10: Draw Out". To present the differences between the pre and end tests of the control and experiment groups, analysis of Parametric Wilcoxon Signed Ranks were used and interpreted. The level of meaningfulness was taken as p<0.05. According to the findings a meaningful difference between the end tests of control and experiment groups was present and the difference was in favour of the end tests of the experiment group. The research showed that agility exercises and game applications both developed the agility of the children and a significant progress was noted in their processing speed. Besides, a positive development was seen in most of the parts of simple, selective and distinctive (reaction, movement and response) reaction types.