International Journal of New Trends in Arts, Sports & Science Education
Yazarlar: Cansevil TEBİŞ, H. Hakan OKAY
Anahtar Kelimeler:Violin,Viola,Music,Methodology
Özet: Thesis is a significant component of scientific literature experience within the scientific reporting tradition. It is an attention-grabbing fact that the research methods, subjects and contents in the field of music art and education in Turkey increasingly show variety. Examining the researches on postgraduate studies, which have been conducted so far, from various aspects will support the upcoming new studies and present new viewpoints for researchers. The problem statement of this research comprises examining postgraduate theses on the violin and the viola in music art and education in Turkey in terms of subject and method. In view of the survey performed on the database where postgraduate theses are stored, related studies, which have been identified, have been examined in terms of subject and method. Subjects covered by the fields of study have been classified under 12 basic headings, rendered into tables, and presented to the reader with accumulation ratios and interpretations. It is presumed that the data obtained from research results will also shed light to the new researches that will be conducted later. It is considered that this research will be a reference guide for the subjects, which are frequently selected in the violin-based and the viola-based studies, and utilized basic research methods. In this regard, suggestions have been made, which were oriented towards scientific study subject areas and methods regarding the musical instruments selected in the research problem.
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