International Journal of New Trends in Arts, Sports & Science Education
Anahtar Kelimeler:Problem posing,Angle,6th gradestudents.
Özet: The aim of this study is to investigate the problem posing processes of 6th grade students on angles. The participants of this study are 40 students (21 males, 19 females) that chosen from a middle school in İzmir. 5 problem posing questions has with regard to topic of angles that prepared by taking of expert opinion was applied to the participants. The problem posing questions were arranged by considering three categories these are free, semi-structured and structured problem-posing types (Stoyanova, 2005). In this context, the problem posing questions which are related to angles was divided into three categories, free problem posing, the posing of angle problem presented with visual data and algebraic data in this study. After collecting the students’ written answers, interviews were conducted with students in order to analyze problem posing process in more detail. When analyzing the data, it is founded out that the concept of angle that envisioned, the knowledge that learned and the problems that solved in advance by the students influenced problem posing process. In addition to this, it is revealed that some misconceptions that arised from problem posing process and influenced the process.
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