Uluslararası Egzersiz Psikolojisi Dergisi

Uluslararası Egzersiz Psikolojisi Dergisi

Erkek Vücut Geliştirme Sporcularında Vücut Kompozisyonu ile Benlik Saygısı ve Beden İmgesi Arasındaki İlişki

Yazarlar: ["Gözde ŞENTÜRK", "Pınar GOBEL"]

Cilt - , Sayı Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1 , 2023 , Sayfalar -



Anahtar Kelimeler:Beden imajı,Vücut geliştirmeci,Vücut kompozisyonu,Benlik saygısı

Özet: Being in optimal body composition is an important factor in athletes due to factors such as health, performance, and success of athletes. In general, lean body mass is considered an indicator of muscle fitness and is a performance-related factor. Bodybuilding is a branch of sports that aims to increase the strength and volume of the muscles and is mainly done by males. After a while, the training goals can move toward body images that cannot be achieved under normal conditions. This review aims to examine the relationship between body composition, self-esteem, and body image in male bodybuilders. Recent studies have shown an increased interest in the relationship between body dissatisfaction, self-esteem, and body image. It is seen that there is a negative relationship between self-esteem and body image in individuals with body dissatisfaction. Approaches that change one's self-esteem and body image can provide positive results in a treatment that will provide an approach to body dissatisfaction. More work is needed on this subject.

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