Uluslararası Egzersiz Psikolojisi Dergisi

Uluslararası Egzersiz Psikolojisi Dergisi

Amatör Futbol Ligindeki Stadyumlarda Alınan Güvenlik Önlemlerine İlişkin Seyirci Algılarının Çeşitli Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi

Yazarlar: ["Burak KARABABA", "Davut BUDAK"]

Cilt - , Sayı Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1 , 2023 , Sayfalar -



Anahtar Kelimeler:Sporda güvenlik,Futbol,Taraftar,Şiddet

Özet: Security measures in the competition area are very important for the spectators participating in football matches. However, it is an issue that needs to be examined whether the security measures in the competitions played at the amateur level are sufficient. For this reason, it aims to reveal the perspectives of the fans in the competition area to watch the amateur football league against the security measures taken for the competitions. This study is descriptive in revealing the participants' perspectives on security measures. The universe of the study consists of the fans in Erzurum amateur football league competitions. The sample group comprises 316 supporters randomly selected from the universe and agreed to participate in the research. A personal information form was used as a data collection tool, and the "Safety in Sports" scale was used to determine the fans' perspectives on the security measures taken. Due to the normal distribution of the data, the One Way Anova Test, one of the parametric tests, was used. As a result of the research, According to the age variable, the participants in the 25 and under age group have lower averages than the participants in the other age groups in the perception of the security measures taken, the perception of using the security systems and the necessary control procedures According to the educational status variable of the participants, the participants with a lower level of education had higher averages than the participants with a higher level of education. According to the question asked to the participants responsible for the violence experienced in the stadiums, it was not found that the person responsible for the violence that occurred predominantly was in a single group. It is seen that it focuses on athletes, fans, and managers. This study concluded that the facilities where amateur football competitions are held need to be improved regarding security measures.

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