Türk Din Psikolojisi Dergisi

Türk Din Psikolojisi Dergisi

Evrimsel Din Psikolojisi Perspektifinden Hayatta Kalabilme Ögesi Olarak Din

Yazarlar: ["Tevhide DEMİREL"]

Cilt - , Sayı Sayı: 7 , 2023 , Sayfalar -



Anahtar Kelimeler:Din psikolojisi,Adaptasyon,Doğal seçilim,Evrim,İşlevselcilik

Özet: Religion is the most crucial element that has shaped human life from the past to the present. Since the emergence of humankind, religion and beliefs have been intertwined with its existence. It is an undeniable social reality that religion, with its various forms and contents, has influenced humanity, encompassing numerous domains. Religion has served as a fundamental building block in the development and journey towards civilization. It has acted as a common denominator for diverse individuals across different geographies and periods of history. Throughout its historical trajectory, humanity has organized itself into communities. Although such organizations have sometimes resulted in destructive and divisive consequences, religions, in general, have contained principles and provisions that aimed at facilitating peaceful and secure coexistence among societies. Religion has wielded a significant influence during the transition from a hunter-gatherer societal structure to a civilized one. Nature inherently operates in harmony, balance, and cohesion. Living beings can sustain their lives securely as long as they adapt and harmonize with nature. Once this harmony is established, initially on a mental level and subsequently on a spiritual one, individuals become aware of the conditions, and life can become more favorable. Religion has exerted a profound impact, both as a cause and an effect, on the perpetuity and survival of life. Throughout humanity's historical journey, the coexistence of individuals and communities has been facilitated by religion, leading to the acquisition of power and dominion. Religion has brought individuals together, enabling them to live in communities founded on trust and security. Consequently, religion has gained power, dominance, and ultimately emerged as a significant factor in survival. In accordance with the laws of nature, where the strong prevail, religion has adapted to nature. Thus, individuals and communities have required a propelling force capable of uniting them to acquire power and dominion. Religion has fulfilled this role, uniting its adherents and fostering a communal existence rooted in trust. Religion has gained power, dominion, and ultimately emerged as a vital component for survival. This adaptation to nature has resulted in dominance and has facilitated the evolution of societies, leading to their transformation into civilizations. This study aims to explore the influence of religion on humanity's adaptation to nature. By doing so, it contributes a new perspective to the literature on evolutionary psychology of religion.

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