Türk Din Psikolojisi Dergisi

Türk Din Psikolojisi Dergisi

Diasporada Din ve Kimlik: Almanya’daki Genç Türk Göçmenler Üzerine Nitel Bir Araştırma

Yazarlar: ["Abdulcelil GÜRBÜZ"]

Cilt - , Sayı Sayı: 7 , 2023 , Sayfalar -



Anahtar Kelimeler:Din psikolojisi,Göç,Din,Kimlik,Aidiyet duygusu,Diaspora,Diaspora,Diaspora,Diaspora

Özet: This research aims to analyse the experiences of the fourth generation of Muslim-Turkish youth living in Germany in terms of their local life. It seeks to understand the youth within the local context and thus identify the socio-psychological and religious life processes of the fourth generation. To achieve this goal, the study aims to reveal the impact of problems related to cultural identities on the beliefs, cultural values, religious attitudes, and behaviours of young immigrant individuals. It also intends to identify the adaptation issues arising from migration-induced changes and transformations and their effects on religious practices and cultural aspects. Additionally, the research investigates the influence of the level of social engagement and relationship dynamics with the host society on the identity and religious perception of fourth-generation Muslim-Turkish immigrants. The study also aims to uncover the subjective perspectives of these individuals. The research design employs a qualitative approach, specifically a descriptive and interpretive case study. The qualitative data consists of structured interview records conducted face-to-face with 20 Muslim-Turkish participants, aged 18-25, who are considered fourth-generation immigrants, between September 2022 and January 2023 in Germany. The qualitative data obtained from interviews with fourth-generation young immigrants were analysed. While studies have been conducted on the adaptation of the pioneering generations who migrated to Germany since 1961, research on the self-defined identity belonging and religious perceptions of young individuals born and raised there is limited. Therefore, this article presents findings on the "perceptions of religion and identity in private and social life in Germany" among fourth-generation Muslim-Turkish immigrants. The research findings indicate that the fourth generation of young individuals living in Germany face challenges in practicing Islam and preserving their religious and cultural values. Nonetheless, the study identifies that the young generation is content with living in Germany, and some individuals feel deeply connected to German society. Furthermore, it concludes that the fourth generation of young individuals strive to uphold their cultural and religious values and do not face significant difficulties in adapting to both societies within the realm of social life. Notably, their participation in mosque activities and religious institutions reflects their efforts to maintain connections with Turkey.

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