RUSUH Uşak Üniversitesi İslami İlimler Fakültesi Dergisi

RUSUH Uşak Üniversitesi İslami İlimler Fakültesi Dergisi

Es‘ad b. Zürâre ve Medine’nin İslamlaşma Sürecindeki Rolü

Yazarlar: ["Yusuf KABAKCI"]

Cilt - , Sayı Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1 , 2023 , Sayfalar -


Anahtar Kelimeler:Siyer,Akabe Biatları,Medine,Ensar,Es‘ad b. Zürâre

Özet: When the Prophet Muhammad did't find the response he hoped for in Mecca while he was preaching Islam, he focused on non-Quraysh pursuits and met with people from various tribes who came to Mecca and its surroundings for religious or commercial purposes. Among them, the group of six people from Medina, including Es‘ad b Zurarah, gave the most effective answer to him. Subsequently, the first and second Allegiances of Aqaba were realized, and the ground for migration was prepared by ensuring that Medina was largely Islamized. As‘ad b Zurarah is one of the most important heroes of this process. In the study, first the Muslims of Medina were mentioned, and then information about Es'ad's activities in Medina was given. Es'ad helped and guided Mus'ab who commissioned in Madina atfer the first Aqaba. To this end mediated notables of the city to become Muslims. As'ad was appointed by the Prophet as the head of the regents in the second Aqaba Allegiance. After the Prophet's migration, served him in Medina and mediated the supply of the Masjid an-Nabawi land. This great companion died before the first year of the hijra was completed by getting sick from his throat and was buried in the Baki' cemetery. Es‘ad, who was a member of the Bani Najjar branch of Khazraj, who were relatives of the Prophet from his grandfather's side, not only became one of the pioneers of the Ansar, but also achieved many other firsts in Medina despite his young age. Revealing his life and activities will help to better understand the Islamization process of Medina

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