Yazarlar: ["Muhammet H. CANKURT", "Yağız YALÇINKAYA"]
Anahtar Kelimeler:Latîfî,Tezkire,Tenkit,Anekdot,Devlet adamı,Sultan
Özet: Latîfî's Tezkiretü'ş-Şu'arâ ve Tabsıratu'n-Nuzamâ is the second tezkire written in Anatolia after Sehî Bey’s Tezkire, according to available information. Latîfî's work with his critical approach to poetry, poet, art and Ottoman social life with anecdotes about important people such as poets and artists It still makes a name for itself with its humorous aspect and rich content. Latîfî’s Tezkire received criticism that it insulted Ottoman life, social life and state elders through anecdotes about the private lives of poets and artists in some recent publications. In the focus of the criticism, Latîfî discredited these names by poetry lovers, art lovers and even more so the public There is even the thought that by making fun of them, he deliberately harmed some moral values. One aspect of these criticisms is the humiliation of the Ottoman sultan and other state administrators through anecdotes. Anecdotes, which are narrative and fictional pieces that are transferred in order to eliminate the uniformity in the text, in order to amuse and make the reader laugh, may be insufficient to determine the attitude and point of view of the author. In this direction, the need has arisen to determine the perspective of the author, who has evaluated both the poetry and personality of each poet in his work, with a critic's tone, to the state through his own criticisms and comments. In this study, it has been tried to determine Latîfî's view of the Ottoman sultan and state officials based on his own evaluations and expressions, which are outside of these narratives, with the thought that the determinations made through anecdotes may be incomplete.