Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi

Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi

Cumhuriyet’in Yerel Yönetim Politikası: Mithat Toroğlu’nun Mersin Belediyesi Başkanlığı Örneği (1929-1942)

Yazarlar: ["İbrahim BOZKURT", "İbrahim Halil AYTAR"]

Cilt - , Sayı Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1 , 2023 , Sayfalar -



Anahtar Kelimeler:Mersin,Mersin Belediyesi,Tek Parti Dönemi,Ahmet Mithat Toroğlu

Özet: The beginning of the developments in the municipality in the Ottoman Empire is the Tanzimat period. Prior to this period the services in the regional administration were fulfilled by the guilds vakfs and Kadis. To administer the transportation and other services in the Ottoman port cities, new institutions were founded with the increase in the commercial developments with Europe. In this context, the necessity of founding new municipality administrations, which would provide modern municipality services emerged. This was especially true for the port cities. In the first years of the Republic, as well as giving the basic services, the duties of the municipalities and the local administrations were to ameliorate the damages caused by the political turmoils of the Ottoman Empire’s last years. In addition, another mission of the municipalities was to develop suitable policies for increasing the population of the country, as the population had decreased due to the constant wars and epidemics. The municipalities were also developing policies for solving the health problems of their areas. The local administrative institutions which can be traced back to the Ottoman Empire’s corrupted system were far from providing these services properly. The staff of the municipalities lacked the proper education, and their numbers were insufficient. Their budgets were also insufficient. Those problems were gradually resolved through the modernization of the municipality understanding of the Republican era of 1930’s. Mithat Toroğlu started his service in a period where the Great Economic Depression of 1929 affected Turkiye. The years of his mayorship of Mersin were also the period where new legal regulations were introduced in Turkiye to modernize the country. This study focuses on his local administration policies between the years of 1929-42. Accordingly, the legal regulations related to the implementation of the modern municipal policies in the early Republican era are discussed for the case of Mithat Toroğlu.

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