Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi

Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi

İçel’de Unutulmuş Bir Osmanlı Kalesi: İkisırma/İkisırama

Yazarlar: ["Ayhan YALÇIN", "Ali TOPAL"]

Cilt - , Sayı Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1 , 2023 , Sayfalar -



Anahtar Kelimeler:İkisırma Kalesi,Gersurtı,Karataş,Pazar,İçel Sancağı

Özet: At the beginning of the 16th century, there were 8 castles in the sanjak of Icel, which was an Ottoman possession. One of these castles is Ikisirma Castle, located in the Karatas district to the east of the sanjak. It was stated in the tahrir books that this castle was in a location called Gersurti. However, the exact location of the castle has not been determined so far. The location of İkisirma Castle has been determined exactly with the written sources and surveys we have done. Considering the masonry and mortars of this castle, the earliest for the construction date is AD 2nd century has been proposed. Based on the chapel remnant ceramic pieces seen inside the castle, it was concluded that the castle was in use during the Early Byzantine Period. Again, due to the ceramic remains, it was decided that the castle continued to be used during the Ottoman Empire Period. The name of İkisirma Castle has not been included in official records since the 17th century. This may have resulted from the destruction of the castle as a result of the Celali revolts. A second reason may be that Avkadi Castle, which was built very close to the castle in 1501, is more preferred due to its convenient location. Another reason may be that in 1517, the eastern neighbour of the Karatas district, Tarsus and its surroundings fell into the hands of the Ottoman Empire. Thus, there was no danger to the Icel sanjak from the east. In addition, during this period, there are already 3 castles active on the sanjak of Tarsus, near the eastern border of the Karatas district.

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